My birth story…well, the birth of Robin & Rose!

The New Year will mark a decade of me being in the photography business. Ten whole, beautiful years filled with newlyweds & new-borns; first, second, third time Mummies as well as those to be; & families – sometimes with their four-legged friends! It has been both fun-filled & fulfilling so I thought it might be nice to take a little look back at all the milestones along the way…

In the beginning…

Way back in 2013 I set up my wedding photography business – Claire Louise Photography ( For the first two years I spent my weekends capturing ‘happily ever afters’ whilst working full time in an office; it wasn’t ideal but at least I had some beautiful weddings to day-dream about whilst sat at my desk! As the business grew I was able to drop from a full to a part-time job, swapping spreadsheets for treats & leads as I em-barked (haha…) on my dog-walking career with a lovely, local, small business. Those that know me know how much I love dogs so being able to do this alongside my photography was the perfect mix for me. I did try my hand at a bit of dog photography too! (Take a look on Instagram if you are a lover of fur babies!)

The there was you…

On October 10th 2019, we were blessed by the birth of our beautiful daughter Robyn. Nothing could have prepared me for the incredible journey that is ‘motherhood’ & how quickly time passes when you have a little life in yours. It is since having Robyn that I have realised the importance of photography more than ever before; capturing all those special moments so that we, & our children, can look back on them for years to come. And so, Robin & Rose Photography came to be & I could not be more grateful that I get to capture your beautiful family.

Growing up…

This year I have invested so much in my business – it’s not just our little ones who love to learn! I kicked it off by doing a newborn photography workshop in January 2022 with the very talented Kristina from Tiny Posers. I then completed some 1:1 mentoring with Suzi Bird Photography in February which made me feel (somewhat) ready for my first new-born studio shoot in the same month – how nerve-wracking but amazing it was! The @robinandrosephoto Instagram page made its debut in March whilst working with Social Social Design on my branding which lead to the website launch in July. In October I also attended Gather to Grow; a business event for Family photographers which gave me even more inspiration and knowledge needed to grow my business. This first year for Robin & Rose has been a productive one & I cannot wait to see what 2023 has in store.

Thank you so much to all of the amazing Mummies, the beautiful babies, the proud Dad’s & the furry friends who have supported Robin & Rose Photography. It has meant so much to me – as a photographer & as a Mother – to be able to capture your life’s most precious moments.

A few of the many beautiful bumps, babies and families I have captured this year.